If you've got a burning question to ask us, you may just find it below. If you don't see it, not a problem — just shoot us an email at taqwacon@uwmsa.com or fill out the form on our contact page and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

TaqwaCon is a 2-day inter-MSA convention hosted by the University of Waterloo's Muslim Students' Association (UWMSA). We started in 2023 with the goal of reviving the passion and pride that Muslims have for Islam in the west — especially among the youth. This is our second year of holding the convention, and we hope to make it bigger and better than ever!

Everyone — including your family and friends — is welcome to attend TaqwaCon as long as they have a ticket! Once you show your ticket at check-in, you'll receive a wristband (along with other goodies) that you can show to volunteers to be admitted to any talk throughout the event.

Certain workshops and activities have limited spots, so signup through a form is required in advance as well. You can find out what you need to sign up for on the events signup page. We do allow admission at the door if there are extra spots on the day of, but this is not guaranteed, so make sure you secure your spot through the form!

In the past, we've held talks given by a variety of international and local speakers. Our workshops have explored a wide range of topics, including career hunting, spoken word, and calligraphy. Activities like drop-in sports, trivia, and Qur'an competitions have also happened throughout the weekend.

Similar to last year, we'll be holding another bazaar that will run throughout the convention, where you can meet local businesses and do some shopping, whether it be for books, art, or clothing.

Yes, we will be selling lunch and dinner at the convention. There will be prayer breaks during which no talks or activities take place, so you can get your meal then without having to miss anything!

Though we try to offer different meal options, we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate for all dietary restrictions. Nonetheless, if you have a specific dietary restriction that you'd like to bring up to us, please email or message us so we can get in touch and see how we can best serve you during the event.

You can find all activities requiring signup on this page.

Yes, all competitions are open to high school students!

Early bird tickets have been released and cost $20. We have a limited amount of them though, so make sure you get yours soon! You can buy your tickets here.

Keep in mind that after September 20, early bird sales will close! Regular tickets will then be released and will cost $30.

Yes, this year we're working with Kitchener Masjid to hold a Qiyam Night there so those not from Waterloo have the option of staying in the city between Saturday and Sunday. We will have volunteers there staying the night as well for both the brothers and sisters to ensure everything goes smoothly. Transportation to and from the masjid will be provided.

Click here to sign up. We have limited spots, so make sure you secure yours as soon as you can!

We'll provide more information on this closer to the event!

Previously, we held a bazaar that ran throughout the duration of the convention where various local businesses had the opportunity to advertise themselves and sell their products. Given its success, we're happy to be holding one again this year!

Signups for booths this year have unfortunately closed. However, if you're interested in potentially holding a booth at TaqwaCon in the future, please reach out to us so we know to keep you updated!

Thank you for considering this opportunity to sponsor us! Without your support, much of what we do at TaqwaCon wouldn't be possible. Your sponsorship will help promote and facilitate a safe space for Muslim youth to learn and build their Islamic foundations.

We offer multiple sponsorship tiers with various perks so you can choose one that's right for you. For more information, you can look through our sponsorship package. Once you're ready, you can fill out our sponsorship form. We look forward to working with you!