Policy Document

Effective Date:August 5th, 2024

Last Updated:August 5th, 2024

For inquiries or further information, email us at taqwacon@uwmsa.com or fill out our contact form here.

By attending the Taqwa Convention, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this policy and agree to comply with its contents.


This Policy is for the 2024 Taqwa Convention 2.0 for all hosting parties, speakers, booth members, sponsors, and attendees.

Policy Statement

To ensure that the Taqwa Convention proceeds smoothly in a pleasant, safe, and welcoming environment. This policy is set to prevent any instances of Harassment, Racism, Hate-Speech, Terrorism, and any form of discrimination towards any party. Finally, this policy outlines the procedures necessary to deal with any of the prior situations if they were to arise.

Inclusive Environment

We strive to foster an inclusive environment in accordance with Islamic teachings, where individuals from diverse backgrounds are embraced and treated with respect. Our aim is to encourage participants to engage in open and constructive dialogue while upholding the values of compassion, understanding, and fairness. We emphasize the importance of considering and appreciating different perspectives and opinions, as guided by Islamic principles.


All participants are expected to act professionally and uphold the reputation of the UWMSA. This includes adhering to scheduled sessions, being punctual, and refraining from any disruptive or inappropriate behavior that may hinder the Convention experience of others.

Registration and Attendance

Participants must complete the registration process to attend the Convention. The registration form should capture necessary information for identification and contact purposes.

Cancellation and Refunds

Any cancellations or requests for refunds must be made in accordance with the specified guidelines and deadlines provided during the registration process.

Intellectual Property

Presentation Material

Presenters are responsible for ensuring that any materials used during their presentations comply with copyright laws and intellectual property rights. By presenting at TaqwaCon, presenters grant TaqwaCon permission to record, reproduce, and distribute their presentation materials for educational and promotional purposes.

Photography and Videography

Photography and videography may be conducted during the Convention for documentation and promotional purposes. Participants who do not wish to be photographed or filmed should notify the event organizers in advance. Photography and recording may be permitted during certain sessions or events, subject to the discretion of the Convention organizers and the adherence to Islamic principles of modesty and privacy. Participants should seek permission before taking photographs or recording any audio or video.

Halal Practices

Food and Beverage

If meals or refreshments are provided during the Convention, organizers will ensure that the food and beverages comply with halal requirements, adhering to Islamic dietary guidelines.

Prayer Facilities

Organizers will make appropriate arrangements for designated prayer areas or facilities to accommodate participants' spiritual needs during the Convention.

All participants are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Islamic teachings and principles throughout the duration of the Convention, reflecting the values of compassion, humility, and tolerance.

Gender Segregation

If applicable, there may be designated areas for men and women during certain sessions or activities to ensure adherence to Islamic principles of modesty and privacy.

Dress Code

Participants are requested to dress modestly and respectfully, in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Both men and women should ensure that their attire covers the required areas of the body.

Safety and Security

Emergency Procedures

Emergency exits and procedures will be clearly marked and communicated to all attendees. Participants should familiarize themselves with the emergency protocols and follow instructions from event staff in the event of an emergency.

Personal Belongings

Participants are responsible for their personal belongings. It is recommended to keep valuables secure and not leave them unattended.

Code of Conduct

Respectful Behaviour

Speakers are expected to conduct themselves professionally and treat all event participants with respect and courtesy.


Speakers should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all attendees, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics.

Compliance with Policies

All speakers must comply with the event's Code of Conduct and any other relevant policies.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

All participants are expected to comply with applicable provincial, federal, and international laws and regulations throughout the duration of the Convention.

Modifications to the Policy Document

TaqwaCon reserves the right to modify this policy document as necessary. Any updates or changes will be communicated to participants via the official Convention website or other appropriate channels.

Terms and Definitions

Anti-RacismA set of practices and systems designed to eliminate racism. Racism includes racist ideologies, prejudiced attitudes, discriminatory behaviours, structural arrangements and institutionalized practices resulting in racial inequality as well as the fallacious notion that discriminatory relations between groups are morally and scientifically justifiable.
IslamIslam linguistically means submission to the will of God (Allah). Islam in a broader sense is a way of life practiced by Muslims in which they submit and adhere to the decree of the Almighty; which entails following the divine commandments and restraining oneself from the prohibitions.
TaqwaTaqwa is the practice of God consciousness in all of one's actions and intentions, striving to avoid sinful behaviour, and seeking to live a life that is in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
ComplainantThe individual alleging the discriminatory treatment or behaviour.
RespondentThe individual against whom the allegation of discrimination is made.
EmployeeFor the purpose of this policy, the term employee includes employees, volunteers, contractors and consultants working with the UWMSA.

Anti-Hate Speech

The Taqwa Convention strictly prohibits hate speech during the entirety of the Convention. Hate speech is defined as any form of communication, whether oral, written, or symbolic, that promotes, incites, or endorses discrimination, hostility, or violence towards individuals or groups based on attributes such as race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic.


The UWMSA prohibits discrimination or harassment and protects the right to be free from hate activity based on age, ancestry, citizenship, creed (religion), colour, disability, ethnic origin, family status, gender identity, level of literacy, marital status, place of origin, membership in a union or staff association, political affiliation, race, receipt of public assistance, record of offenses, sex, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic by or within the organization.


The UWMSA strictly prohibits the promotion, display, or endorsement of terrorism, hate speech, or any form of violent extremism during the Event. All participants, including speakers, are required to adhere to these principles and not engage in any behavior that promotes terrorism, hate, or violence.


Offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally; threatening or intimidating someone; or making unwelcome jokes or comments about someone's race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction. Harassment at TaqwaCon is not tolerated. Individuals who are found to have harassed another individual may be subject to disciplinary action. This includes any individual who: interferes with the resolution of a harassment complaint; retaliates against an individual for filing a harassment complaint; or files an unfounded harassment complaint intended to cause harm.


The UWMSA is a dependent and is an affiliated event with the University of Waterloo. Speakers and participants are not allowed to use the platform provided by the Event to promote or endorse any political or extremist organization or agenda. All participants must adhere to the University of Waterloo guidelines at all times.

Complaint Procedure

Right to Complain

Individuals have the right to complain about situations they believe to be discriminatory or harassing in nature.

This policy prohibits reprisals against individuals because they have complained or have provided information regarding a complaint. Alleged reprisals are subject to the same complaints procedures and penalties as complaints of discrimination.

Reporting a Complaint

Although individuals may first choose to make a verbal complaint, a written summary of the incident will be required.

Complaints should be reported as soon as possible. If the complaint is delayed beyond 1 month, the complainant should outline the reason for the delay in reporting the incident(s).

A letter of complaint should contain a brief account of the offensive incident(s), when it occurred, the person(s) involved and the names of witnesses, if any. The letter should be signed and dated by the complainant.


Within three working days of receiving a complaint, the Taqwa Convention core team must initiate the investigation process.

As soon as possible after receiving the complaint, the Executive Director will notify the individual(s) being named in the complaint. All individuals named in the complaint have a right to reply to the allegations against them.

Individuals named in the complaint as witnesses will be interviewed.

The TaqwaCon team will handle all complaints but will delegate and escalate to any required parties like police, campus wellness, etc. as needed.


Complaints should be reported within 1 month of the incident. If the report is made after 1 month, an explanation of the delay should accompany the complaint.

Complaints will be dealt with in a timely manner.